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Marketing Automation | Auto-responders

Automate your marketing processes for both sending emails & managing your subscriber lists.


Automations for Sending Emails

New Subscriber


Welcome email


Confirmation mail for Double Opt-In Confirmation


Unsubscribe email with Re-subscribe link


Reconsent campaign to take GDPR consent

Drip campaigns


Works only if you have a custom field of ‘date’ type


Multiple emails can be scheduled with a time delay in minutes, hours, upto months

Send Annually


Works only if you have a custom field of ‘date’ type


Schedule a sequence of one or more emails that automatically sends annually to subscribers, eg. anniversaries or birthdays


Sends mail every year on that date.

Send on date


Works only if you have a custom field of ‘date’ type


Schedule a sequence of one or more emails that are sent on a specific date (custom field) . eg. payment reminders. Sends the series emails only once.

Automations for Subscriber Management

The whole gamut of APIs can be looked at here. Here are a few subscriber management things that just work!

Unsubscribe a user from List B if they subscribe to List A


Use case for a SAAS tool - If a users subscribe to a paid_plan list, unsubscribe them from free_trial list

Trigger a webhook when a user subscribers/unsubscribes from a list


Update a user in your CRM when they subscribe/unsubscribe to a list

Much more that can be achieved through APIs


Add or update subscriber & their custom fields in your list


Remove a subscriber from a particular list or segment


Remove a contact from your database

Active Subscribers

Get a total count of active subscribers in your lists

Subscriber Status

Get to know if a subscriber unsebscribers, bounced, or compailed, etc.

Create Campaign

Create an send a schedule a new email campaign

​Get Lists

Get all the subscriber lists created for a given brand id

Get Brands

Get the list of all the brands for the account associated with the given API key

Almost as good as Automations

Add engaged users to another list


​This is not a complete automation but you can do it easily on a case by case basis.


After sending a campaign, check the analytics & then add users who opened your mail, clicked on a specific link or any of the linsk or didn’t open your emails, and add them to a separate list, so that you can do an automation.

Cleaning the list


To protect your deliverability, you can check the users who have been mostly always inactive or have not confirmed (for double opt-in list) & then bulk- remove them from the list.

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